@jean thank you for being the first person I met on here and for all you do for this community! I'm glad you are moving on to things that are calling to you! Congratulations and enjoy!
@jean oh no! Sorry to lose you as a Community Manager. But very excited for you. Longform writing on the Oregon coast! You're living the dream. Glad to know you will still be around as a regular 'ol microblogger.
@jean Congratulations! Sorry to lose you as community manager at Micro.blog but glad you'll still be posting here. And I'm looking forward to reading your book!
@jean Sorry to hear that you're moving away from being the community manager (you've done a fantastic job) but it's good to hear that you'll still be posting here. All the best in your new endeavours.
@jean ah! :(
You've done such a good job, Jean. This is especially true in light of the leap in absurdity of the world in recent years.
Your new home already sounds fantastic. :) The quote you shared sounds like the exact thing I should print out and hang up as one of my big goals for the future. Can't wait to hear about your projects!
@jean Sad and happy seem to always come together. I'll be very sad to see you go and the "feeling" that I think we all take for granted in this community will surely change. Happy to hear you feel a calling and a calming down in your new home with new goals. I'll see you around, I'm sure!
@jean thank you for all you’ve done the past seven years. I think the m.b community reflects you and it’s all the better for it
@jean your community engagement has been amazing. Thank you for everything you've done and good luck with the new house and the full-time writing commitment!
@jean Wow! Big news! Big shoes to fill for anyone who comes after you. You’ve done an amazing job my friend and deserve all the rest and new path energy coming your way.
@jean Thank you for all of your thoughtful work. I’m glad you will still be around the micro campfire, and I wish you great luck in your writing!
@jean Sorry to see you go, but congratulations on the house and I look forward to continued photos of the spectacular Oregon coast! 🤩
@jean Thank you for everything you have done. You having me as a guest on Micro Monday changed my life, quite honestly. That was my first podcast. It lit a fire. Without that experience Hemispheric Views would not exist. Thank you for all the Photo Challenges, the Discovery timeline, and for making this place one of the nicest spots on the Internet.
@jean wow, massive change. Bit sad and the end of an era. But I take solace that you remain part of the community .
@jean Sláinte! It's always a blessing when a new path opens for someone who has done as much as you have. Have a great move and wonderful time settling into your new path!
@jean I wish you the best and so envious of your move to my favorite coast town, Manzanita! Maybe I’ll bump into you during a sunset beach walk some time.
@jean thanks for all of your great contributions to the community. I wish you all the best!
@jean What a joy it's been to read your quick notes on here and see your beautiful pictures. I look forward to reading your long-form writing in months and years to come.
@jean Have always appreciated the way you approached the community manager role! Best wishes on what's next--and congrats on the new house! 🎉
@jean Thanks for all you’ve done here. I hope your new location nourishes your new focus.
I need to go to the coast more, so maybe I’ll see you on the beach sometime 😀
@jean What a change! Thank you for everything you’ve done on Micro.blog over the years. Good luck with the new house!
@jean 🙏 Thank you for your dedication over the years! Initially, the idea of a community manager seemed like a mere 'stretch goal' for the Micro.blog platform, but your commitment and presence helped transform micro.blog into a rare haven of humanity, with some of the best ethical standards in the entire blogosphere!
@jean thanks for all you’ve done for micro.blog. Can’t wait to see your creativity bloom even more. Cheers.
@jean Congratulation on your new project and the house! It's sad to loose you as the face community :-(
@jean thank you, Jean. You always bring a kindness to what you do that I truly appreciate. Wishing you all of the fun in your next project. Qapla'
@jean Thank you for all your work and effort to help grow this community. All the best on your move and chance to do more writing.
@jean I hope you know you've been a brilliant community manager! Congratulations on your exciting life changes, and all the best for the writing! 😊
@jean Thank you for your work! Micro.blog has been an unusually kind place on the internet and I think you definetely helped make that happen.
It’s important to follow your heart though and I wish you the best of luck in your long form writing endevours.
@jean if I were you I would mount an embossed metal logo on the gable end of your house because you helped build the house we all use in micro.blog
@jean I'm pretty sure this place won't be the same without you. You did phenomenal work in shaping Micro.blog community, and you will be missed. But I wish you all the best on the next endeavour that you choose to pursuit! Oh, and glad to hear about the house as well! Please keep the photos coming, I really like them! 🤗
@jean sometimes the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many. Thank you for everything you’ve done for the community and being the thoughtful, helpful and welcoming person you are. I’m glad you’re remaining on m.b and will keep the beach photos coming! Live long and prosper 🖖🏻
@jean thank you Jean and good luck for your writing endeavours in the future! Glad you’ll still be with us posting.
@jean How fabulous. It looks like your new home is more or less next door to where you are now. Thank you for all your amazing work on Micro.Blog. I'd love to know more about what you're planning to write. 😁
@jean Thank you so much for all you’ve done as community manager. You really helped make MB a cosy place to be online. I can’t wait to see your long form writing develop as well.
@jean thank you Jean - you've done an outstanding job as community manager. I'm glad you'll still be posting. I wish you every success with the longform writing.
@jean Thank you for everything, Jean. I'm so glad you'll still be on Micro.blog, even though you won't be community manager anymore.
@jean Big news! I’m happy for you, that you have found a new home and a new vocation to explore! It’s comforting to know that you still will be a part of Micro.Blog, and that we will be seeing you here in the time to come. I remember you from my Twitter days, and when @manton said he had chosen you as the new community manager, I said he couldn’t have picked a better person for the role, and I was right. I hope the PWAS will continue in it’s current form. 🌊👋❤️
@jean I'm so sorry to lose you as Community Manager. Thank you for all the things you have done for us over the last seven years. But I am so glad you are buying a house and are going to write books. Books! How cool is that? I'm wishing you much happiness and contentment.
@jean Both sad and wonderful news. I'm so happy for you! Good luck with the new house and writing. And thank you for all your work with the Micro.blog community.
@jean Thank you for your contributions to this platform. You've made this a welcoming place to be. On the other hand, as someone born in the PNW, I look forward to living vicariously through you with your words and photos from Oregon.
@jean Thank you for all your work to make this a better place! I wish you well through your changes.
@jean Congratulations on your new home and thank you for so many years of being the glue connecting everyone here. You’re definitely a large reason of why I came and stayed.
I’m looking forward to reading what you have planned next and glad the PNW photos will keep coming. 😁
@jean The big changes tend to happen all at once, eh? Congratulations! Others here have said most of what I would want to say. As an observer and participant in Micro.blog since the kickstarter, I will just add that the size and kindness of this community are a badge of honor for you.
@jean Congratulations on making the change, and good luck for your move. Thank you for all you've done for us and micro.blog. I look forward to hearing more about your books. 📚
@jean, thanks for all that you've done for the community here on Micro.blog! This is such a wonderful place on the Web and I really appreciate the effort that you've put in over the years with @manton. Not to mention, @HemisphericViews with @Burk and @canion wouldn't exist, which is just one of numerous ways in which Micro.blog has positively affected my life.
@jean thanks for everything you did to make this a welcoming space and best of luck in all your new endeavours.
@jean Congratulations on a new journey! Glad you'll be sticking around as one of us for the future.
@jean Good Luck. Thank you for the amazing job you have done here. That the job existed was one of the most positive things about micro.blog. The way you carried it out made it even more so.
@jean Thank you Jean! Wishing you the very best of luck with the new home and the plans for the future
@jean Wow. That is so exciting and a little bit sad. But it is so great that you’ll be writing and that you’ll still be here. You’ve been such an important part of setting the tone of the community and making it the special place that it is.
@jean Thank you for everything! But how exciting for you! What a beautiful place to be as well!
@jean thank you for making this such a special corner of the internet! It wouldn’t be the same without you. And good luck with your new endeavors! I‘m looking forward to reading your stuff. It’s an Inspiration to see someone set out to accomplish their creative dreams 💪
@jean Thanks for all you’ve done to make Micro.blog such a welcoming and enjoyable part of the web. And best wishes for your writing career 👍🏻🥁🎺🎉😎✍️✒️
@jean If you don't look at Micro.blog well enough for a few days, everything changes. 😱
To be honest, I don't even know Micro.blog without you. In my eyes, the tool was brought to life by the very good community manager. On the other hand, you do what many people don't do. Going your own way. And this leads you to what you have described. I wish you all the best for your future!
One question: didn't you move out of your house back then into a smaller flat because the house was too big for you? And now you're moving back into a house? 🤔
@ner3y It’s a small house. Turns out apartment living was not for me. Or city living. Now I’m in a little village.
Thank you for the kind words. I’ll still be following, Banana Joe or whatever your name is. 😏
@jean Congrats, Jean, and thanks for everything you've done to make Micro.blog what it is. See you around the timeline!
@jean Wow, adventure time! I'm glad you plan to keep microblogging so we can follow along on the journey. Thanks for all your work. The human-curated Discovery Timeline, you personally welcoming new Micro.bloggers, Micro Monday, Micro Camp, and all the other community efforts you've led are a huge part of what makes Micro.blog so special to me. Good luck with everything and see you on the timeline.
@jean just catching up to the big news. Thank you for all that you have done to make me (and many others) feel so welcome in this community. I envy your decision; would love to be able to write full time. Perhaps one day...
@jean I'm so happy for you in this new stage in your life/career. I wish you the best and I thank you for all the things you've done to make this place fun and welcoming!