For Micro Monday I’ll recommend a handful of educators and researchers on Each and everyone of them has something to teach us.
* @kfitz
* @jgmac1106
* @mrkrndvs
* @dancohen
* @kimberlyhirsch
* @johnjohnston
* @ayjay
For Micro Monday I’ll recommend a handful of educators and researchers on Each and everyone of them has something to teach us.
* @kfitz
* @jgmac1106
* @mrkrndvs
* @dancohen
* @kimberlyhirsch
* @johnjohnston
* @ayjay
@rnv I suspect that there are far more, these are just the ones I'm aware of presently. I'd love to hear from others.
@c @rnv
Historians of (though I think only @schuth is in academia at the moment):
Two archaeologists-to-be:
Educators (I also ran across a gentleman this weekend whose bio included “high school principal” but can’t recall who):
And last but not least, one more librarian:
(I really wish we had lists and better access to our list of people we follow, and/or searching of bio text, so I wouldn’t have to top-of-my-head these sorts of things every time someone asks “who are the foo on”—but, in time, it will come ;-) )
@smokey Thanks for tagging me in this. It helped me see some more people I should be following!
@jonrjordan Thanks. Hat to to @c for the Micro Monday post that originated the educator/researcher list.
@c thanks I’ve certainly learnt a brain full from you in a short time. Another educator I ‘found’ this morning is @ryanboren
@johnjohnston I had just followed @ryanboren last week myself, but didn't know he was on microblog.
I suppose I'm slowly retraining myself to follow people's primary/canonical (IndieWeb) presences via feed reader rather than their simulacra on other social silos. I find it avoids a lot of duplication.
@c I think of as a sort of RSS reader. Nearer inoreader than twitter in my imaginary social dock. Still use twitter as a lot of teachers have no other presence.
@johnjohnston I port several Twitter lists and other social like that into my feed reader with
I'm adding @cplong to my ever-growing list of educators, researchers, and scholars on Looks like he's playing in the DoOO space, but perhaps not the IndieWeb space yet.
It's not Monday, but adding Georgia Tech Professor @blair to the list of educators and researchers on
Who else are we missing?
@c hoops, sorry, I responded to the wrong thread. Meant to recommend John, but did not mean to spam your recommendations of educators. Sorry.
@c this made me very happy, thanks for tagging me, I’ve now got a bunch more interesting folks to follow!
It's been a while since I've added to my ever-growing list of educators and researchers, but I ought to add @willtmonroe and @daveymoloney to it. Is there anyone else I'm missing? - @c
It's such a glaring oversight that I can't wait until the official micro @Monday, so I'm adding @adamprocter to our collective list of educators, researchers, and librarians on