@sod Thanks! Good to know I haven't horribly broken everything and these replies are going through 😂
@pratik Lol, I'm always tweaking things. And then breaking things... 😆 I was inspired by some of the conversations around "likes" and taking another look at Lillihub's UI
@pratik I'm just playing around for now with an emoji button and thinking through some other ideas. I can't change anything on the Micro.blog side of things though.
@briandigital @pratik I think private emoji posts is an interesting idea and I could build something like that into my M.B client. But, those "likes", whatever form they take, would only be visible to people using my client. Which is a pretty small subset. So probably not worth it. Making it easier to reply with an emoji is a different angle, but I worry that flooding the timeline with a stream of ❤️ and other emoji's would be detrimental. For instance, if I browse the timeline and "like" a bunch of posts in a short amount of time, than anyone following me would see like 30 emojis in a row. They would need to scroll longer and load more replies to see other interactions.
Just my current musings at the moment 😆
@heyloura @briandigital @pratik I've been wanting to experiment with emoji reactions for a long time. I think they could be a nice middle ground between short replies and likes. But yeah, ideally clients would be able to collapse them if they start cluttering the timeline.
@manton I love emoji reactions, but I am not in the anti-like group. I would love to read more about those who feel icky about one versus the other and better tease out the distinction.
@heyloura @briandigital @pratik @jsonbecker I really like the idea of emoji reactions, but it would be important not to introduce clutter in the timeline. 😉
@manton @heyloura @pratik @jsonbecker basically iMessage tapbacks for the web (but with a larger selection to choose from).
@manton @heyloura @briandigital I might be among diminishing numbers at Micro.blog who don't want 'likes' or even 'emoji reactions'. That's the only part I wish I didn't have on a Mastodon app timeline. But if Micro.blog decides to implement them, can we have an option to not display them for our posts?
@manton @heyloura @pratik @jsonbecker Experimentation is cool, but I don’t have any qualms with posting single emoji replies in lieu of likes/reactions. They fact that they are full replies keeps me from spamming people and the timeline by dolling them out willy-nilly and diluting their “power”.
@manton I’m with @eurobubba. We can already reply with emojis just fine.
@pratik @manton @jsonbecker @jarrod That's kind of where I ended up. I think the the friction in typing the emoji is helpful, for me. I've had a little personal emoji button on my personal dev branch for a bit now and I've hesitated using it. I didn't want to appear rude on the timeline and the people I wanted to "react" to, I did in fact want to put more time into the reply... But I also get overwhelmed and only reply to a fraction I was intending to... so ::shrug::
Now I'm thinking of changing it up, so that it opens the reply area with an emoji inserted in the textarea with that nice blinking cursor tempting me to write something in addition.
Another avenue I pondered was sending some indieweb like's. But I don't think webmentions are processed in replies. Could be an interesting take on "private" likes if it did, since we can view webmentions to our blogs....
@heyloura I like that webmentions like idea. Sometimes I use quill to do the same just coz it makes it easy to say “hey that thing you wrote there was nice” while also letting me remember to make a summary post later on.