Who’s on omg.lol?
I know I’ve seen people sharing theirs, but I didn’t bookmark them. Now I have time to play around and want some inspiration.
Who’s on omg.lol?
I know I’ve seen people sharing theirs, but I didn’t bookmark them. Now I have time to play around and want some inspiration.
@Annie I’ve been meaning to setup a little profile page for myself forever. So I just signed up tonight for it. Carl.omg.lol
@Annie I'm at lmika.omg.lol
@humdrum thank you!! Can't believe I made it the entire year for song-a-day -- I usually give up on those kind of challenges. It ended up being a really great experience, though, and I will probably do again. Have any fave albums from '22?
@endonend still compiling, adding, deleting, reordering, and catching up on my backlog… but I’ve got a WIP list on AlbumWhale.
@lmika I see that you have been working with Go. Have you done anything cross platform with Go+Flutter? Total newbie, but considering it for a possible future project.
@annahavron Oh I like how you gave a little summary of the main links. (Also have been enjoying browsing your analogoffice site lately, btw.)
@chadgmoore Oooh your YT and Vimeo embeds look really good. I didn't even think about that possibility. Not that I have any videos to embed, but still... :)
@Annie i am mostly an IPA guy, but I also enjoy barley wines, almost anything that barrel aged, and I can also enjoy a good sour
@endonend Oh I like how you have the "see more" beneath your status. (Also pretty excited about checking out some of those artists on your best albums list. female fronted indie rock? yes please)
@odd I've used both Go and Flutter for things. I haven't used them in the same project, and I'm not sure how one could (unless we're talking about Go for the backend and Flutter for the mobile app).
I can't say enough good things about Go for something that runs in the terminal, or a web-app, or maybe even a GUI app. I'm a massive fan of the language and use it in my day job and side projects. There's a tour of the language which runs in the browser which I'd recommend if you're interested in learning the language.
I've used Flutter for a few small mobile apps that I've written for myself, although nothing serious as yet. Flutter uses Dart, which is not my favourite language, but it works, and I would recommend it if you're interested in building mobile apps for both Android or iOS.
If you're interested in either one, please feel free to ask any questions you may have about them. I'd be more than happy to help you out. 😊
@humdrum Oooh another album list to dive into (and automatic Yes on k Flay, Dope lemon, Yot club.)
@Annie Yeah, that's one of the omg.lol background options. I like it as well, although I've got my "professional" domain name hooked up to this page and I'm not sure how employers think of it. As for the check-in blog name, that was… "inspired" (read: blatantly plagiarised) from a playlist on CGP Grey's YouTube channel. 😀
@Gaby IPAs all day for me. In winter, love a porter or a stout. Don't think I've tried a barley wine... Hmmm.
@Annie love stouts, again, even better if they are barrel aged, porters are too, Smokey? Or like a tobacco flavor like, at the end. Barley wines are like a dessert for me, they can be sweet and you can definitely taste some of the alcohol in them.
@Gaby I think the smokey aspect is what I like most about porters.
Definitely picking up some barley wine this weekend. Any recommendations?
@Annie well, a favorite of mine is Old Devil’s Tooth Barleywine by Sockeye brewing but that a local one. Bigfoot Barleywine-Style Ale by Sierra Nevada is another good one, not sure if you can find their beers where you are. I’d definitely try any that’s available to you, specially if it’s local, and above 9 ABV for sure 😅 (which most of them are)
@lmika Thank you for your resource tips and offers! I looked at the Udemy course that I have already purchased (a while ago), and it’s Flutter with Dart, and not Go, as I obviously misremembered it. The project will be to make an iOS app and an Android app for a web forum that already have an API, so I was thinking either Xamarin, or Flutter/Dart.
@Annie I had to join the bandwagon and too: gregmoore.omg.lol (Maybe I can rebrand my unimpressive number of links as “minimalist and focused.”)
@Annie https://pedro.omg.lol on it. It’s a great service! There is a user directory at home.omg.lol/directory 🙃
@Annie Oh, I'm also on omg.lol! My profile's at jayeless.omg.lol (although it seems I haven't updated it since last month 🙈). I feel like I don't really know what to use it for but I like it anyway...
@Annie Hi Annie. What is it used for if you don’t mind me asking? I had a quick look but I’m none the wiser? Thank you.
@Annie yay! Enjoy. 😄 if you have any faves from ‘22, send them over. I love checking out new music.
@humdrum awesome! Saved it to check out later. At quick glance, I saw a few I haven’t seen before so will definitely give those a listen. Thanks!
@lmika My whole point here is to find and be inspired (read: blatantly plagiarise) things I like from other people's profiles. "Steal like an artist."
@Annie Bookmarking to follow. I’m on it, but still trying to figure out exactly what to do with it. Am loving status.lol though for quick updates, especially what music I’m listening to. :) Am thinking about getting a second omg.lol for “professional” purposes.
@meandering Apparently a lot of us! I knew I'd seen people sharing/talking about their profiles. I'm having fun checking them all out.
@BenSouthwood Essentially a profile page. An easy (and fun) way to have your online links, contact info, bio in one place to share with others, anywhere. (Also there are several different services from omg.lol, the profile page is just one.)
@pimoore I made it by heavily editing some weird crypto-3D-thing a guy at my work found a year ago. I hope to make or find a real life adventuring cloak like that someday.
@Brad PENS. ::swoon:: (Pilot Hi-Tec-C is one of my faves.) Like how you're using Status to share the week's live schedule, clever idea.
@UndamnedOne My profile is still very basic, and I'm just starting to tinker around. It's inspirational to look through what everyone's done.
If you did a professional one what would you put on it?
@bjhess dig what you are doing with it and looking forward to it evolving. Also fell down a linkhole from good enough yesterday and love everything you both have done with your various places on the internet.
@Annie I’m giving it a whirl. Not sure I get it entirely, but at that price I’ll see how much I use it. :-)
@Annie I did - it’s also in the theme editor on omg.lol, I added it the other day so anyone can use it.
@aa I was just on yours (from the directory page) and then started reading your newsletter. So good. Hope you'll write more.
@Annie thanks 😊 just when I felt like a habit was forming, my writing routine was derailed with a massive influx of Christmas orders. Hoping to rediscover a good schedule (that will stick) in the new year.
@martyday awesome! Enjoy. 🎶 if you have any faves from ‘22, send them over. Gave you a follow too.
@Annie Because of your reply (Yes, that's all the encouragement it took) I spent a day backing up six years of Procreate drawings. Now I have to come up with a plan for posting the good ones to my drawing site. Thanks for that push.
@gregmoore LOVE TO HEAR IT! I find it often takes a very small bit of (external) encouragement for me to do things like that too. Somehow knowing that someone else is interested means a great deal to me. Can't wait to see once they're posted.
@endonend meant to ask if you had any rationale for deciding songs in your ‘22 playlist. I was inspired and started my own for ‘23.
@humdrum awesome start! Followed your playlist. For mine, it basically came down to a few different things: a song I listened to during the day, a song to represent something that i did (like going to a concert), or a song that was meaningful for other reasons (like my mom’s favorite song; she passed away last year.)