Dark Mode for Micro.blog on the web is ready! Huge thanks to @vincent for doing this work and updating all the little bits of HTML and CSS so that everything is readable. We plan to still tweak some of the colors and buttons as we live with it more.
Dark Mode for Micro.blog on the web is ready! Huge thanks to @vincent for doing this work and updating all the little bits of HTML and CSS so that everything is readable. We plan to still tweak some of the colors and buttons as we live with it more.
@manton nice! Guess I can turn off the Dark Mode userscript that @burk created. Once I found that I have always had dark mode turned on it was a great little script.
@ericmwalk The nice thing is that both designs are a little different, so if you prefer you can keep @Burk's version too. Maybe eventually we could support multiple themes.
@manton of course after I wrote it and started looking around more I did realize there is differences. I will probably flip back and forth for a while. The one nice thing is now it is Dark on mobile as sometimes I don't use the apps and go directly to the website.
@maique @manton oh yeah, it's very broken currently with new m.b dark mode (unless your system is in light mode) 😬
@manton I think the blues and grey colours need a little more refinement - especially the main links and the sub links (reply, bookmark, conversation, embed). They dont work well together. And the big blue bg behind the user info is too loud as well.
@manton is the loading wheel on the site diferent too, or has it always been orange and I am just noticing?
@manton w00t! this is awesome! Turned on Dark Mode (from Auto) just to appreciate it. Might just leave this on as default. :)
@manton How do I turn web dark mode on and off? Is it linked to the color scheme of my browser/computer or is there a switch?
@Cheri Yes, currently it’s just automatic when your computer is set to Dark Mode. It sounds like there’s interest in theme variations so maybe we’ll make a setting in Micro.blog for it.
@manton Will this be implemented in the Themes of our MB-hosted websites too? I know it's a big ask, but I want to know if it's even possible or practical, since most of the world runs on OSes without Dark Mode, AFAIK.
@renevanbelzen I don't know about @manton's plans, but some of the themes already have support for dark mode. Typewriter and the upcoming Ink, for example.
You're probably right; most instances of operating systems running out there must lack support for dark mode. Just think about the operating systems in our fridges, thermostats, servers, and similar; dark mode just doesn't make sense in many places.
I think it might look slightly different when it comes to dark mode support on devices that run web browsers. Around 92 % of the global web surfers use browsers with support for dark mode. When it comes to operating systems Android, Windows, iOS, and macOS – all of which have added support for dark mode in recent versions – make up around 96 %.
I think the actual percentage will be lower. Not all users can (or want to) run on the latest OS version. But I think it's safe to bet a large chunk of web dwellers have support for dark mode on their devices. Maybe even a majority. When it comes to how many choose to enable dark mode, well, that's probably not that many. 😅
@manton I think automatic based on computer setting is great and should be the standard across websites!
@kaa Thoughtful and constructive feedback is always the most difficult to consider when it comes to making an appropriate reply. 😊
@kaa thanks for telling me about those colour choices. I’ll tweak them in the next week or so. Agree with you that they don’t work too well. Now I’m spending more time on the web, on the live site, it’s good to see and change a few things that don’t look right.