How many of you have IRL friends that read your blog on the regular?
@cdevroe not me… not that i expect them to… i write to write and try to ignore that nobody reads it… otherwise i will try to tailor my writings to what other people like, not what i like…
@mbkriegh I agree with that. I do the same. Every now and then, though, I'll have someone say "I saw on your blog..." and I'm shocked that they saw it.
@cdevroe That would imply I have IRL friends 😭 But, seriously, no. My wife reads it occasionally but beyond that no one I know IRL would really be interested.
@cdevroe Not sure if my IRL friends know I even have a blog. Don’t think I’ve ever told them or shared a link with them.
@cdevroe Only my micro posts via Twitter. I did subscribe my mom to my RSS feed so she could keep up with me, which she texts me about so I know she keeps up.
@SamHawken Most great things start out at the bottom. Keep filling the pit until it disappears.
@maique We should buy a beer for anyone that mentions our blog IRL. I’d bet our readership would go up!
@Omrrc I put NewsNetWire on her phone and subscribed her to my feed. She knows to check the app.
@mbkriegh @SamHawken Didn't realize other microbloggers had the same feeling. My blog is first and foremost for myself, but actual human interaction related to my blog content is nice. My other audience is supposed to be friends and family, but as far as I know they rarely read the actual posts. Sometimes they look at the pictures, but...don't ask me what the picture is if I already have text explaining it!
@cdevroe the only surefire way is to befriend IRL bloggers. Hence let's get back to meetups pls ppl