Haven’t posted a new home screen in a while. Our new app in the dock, almost ready. Otherwise my go-to apps remain about the same.

Haven’t posted a new home screen in a while. Our new app in the dock, almost ready. Otherwise my go-to apps remain about the same.
@manton I love NetNewsWire and only left because of not being available cross platform. I miss it though.
@valera I still sync NetNewsWire with Feedbin, so that might be an option for non-Apple platforms too.
@neilbearse Unchanged. It's fine, but I want to replace it with something more open. I import the data to my blog every once in a while so I have a copy.
@manton but I would have included some visual cues to refer to MB (bubble, star) somehow..
@manton Maybe not the best place to ask, but I'm curious to know if your Micro.blog on iOS "suffers" from the bug of crashing while opening the posts list.
@edobld No, it doesn’t happen to me but there’s definitely an increase in crashes based on what I’m hearing. I will try to get a fix out soon.
@manton similar vibes to sunlit and wavelength, less to micro.blog and epilogue. Let the rumor-mongering commence about its function! (with that in mind, seems like another media type.)
@manton @neilbearse is there an open alternative to it? Also can’t wait to see what this app is about!
@manton I wouldn’t have picked you for a HEY email guy. The secret app also reminds me of Clear, which is what @numericcitizen said as well!
@abc I like it. There are a couple things that could be better but overall it’s a nice system for managing email.
@fernandroid what app is that you are using?
@rscottjones We have a tiny team now, and it's useful with just a couple people. I have used it even by myself in the past, but that's a tougher call. I think maybe it comes down to whether having the history and richer structure for projects works well for you.