Impulse buy from Discogs
@RianVDM @jack Agreed! There’s no vinyl emoji, is there? I just signed up at Discogs yesterday, to chart my wee collection.
@RianVDM @grayareas Found you. I'm new to Discogs but my goal is to eventually track my collection. I don't have that many records but I've been dragging me feet. Thanks for the nudge!
@jack I learned about so much good music from that! I recorded the audio of the movie onto Dad's portable reel-to-reel when NBC ran a TV-safe version of it in ~1980. That's why I still know so much dialogue today.
@RianVDM is my starter for ten ... still a WIP ... but my attempt at separating my sounds, from my words snd my pictures ,,, not to mention my ‘stream’
@jack @rianvdm Hey guys, I’m just starting to collect again, from zero. But I’m excited about it! I only have fifteen records so far, four or five entered at Discogs (problem with the app scanner). I’m gray-areas there, btw. 🎶 🎵
@RianVDM @jack @grayareas an audio page sounds like a good idea. I’ve also started to think about getting some furniture built to store my records!
@RianVDM @bestoftimes That’s what I plan to get, when I have enough records. Seems perfect and reasonably priced.
@grayareas @RianVDM I’m thinking of a window seat under our bay window with record storage underneath.
@RianVDM @jack @grayareas Not a page exactly but here's my current audio setup.
@RianVDM @BestofTimes I am severely out-gunned here. I feel like I need to go shopping and then put up an /audio page :)
@grayareas @jack @rianvdm In all honesty, it’s not about being good enough to share. It just needs to be good enough for each of us, where we are at that moment.
@RianVDM Hmmm, that's fewer than I expected. I measured 16 single LP's were about two inches wide, which would mean a bit over 100 LP's in a 13" wide box. I wonder what I'm doing wrong.
@RianVDM I can understand about the breathing room! Tomorrow I'll measure how many inches of LP's I have. It'll be great to move them out of a storage area into the main part of the house where I can organize them. Thanks for the tip! Do you have a good source for the sleeves?
@RianVDM Great, thanks so much for the links!
@JohnPhilpin Thank you, sir! Do we have a typewriter tribe/ring yet, by the way? Been meaning to ask. I think, at the minimum, five of us would be on that list at the jump.
@RianVDM @BestofTimes @jack Oh, I know. I was just being silly. Honestly, I don't have my turntable yet. A close friend offered to give me his old one after he upgraded, and that was the impetus for me to start buying LPs again. Hopefully will have it in my paws within the next several weeks.
I believe my Discogs account is up to date now... and a BIG wantlist that's growing. Nineteen records out of the gate! I friended Rian and Jack there already. Are you on Discogs, Bestof? Anyone else at m.b have an account they want to link up on Discogs?
@grayareas not that I am aware of - but …. i wonder if it should be part of an 'analog’ tribe / web ring ... where we include the pens and journals?
@JohnPhilpin Ding! Did you say webring? Webrings are great for memberships and clubs within a social network like MB. I recommend Webringo it will make managing a ring much easier in the long run. Just saying. cc. @grayareas
@JohnPhilpin Not sure. I'm just wondering what ways to link m.b people with similar interests people here think make sense? Because I feel like that would be something I would be into. I am a big user of emoji tags here to increase connections between things. But it seems to be used somewhat inconsistently by most people. And analog interests often don't have appropriate emojis. ::shrugs::
@bradenslen @JohnPhilpin Sounds fine to me. The issue would seem to be buy-in and reasonably consistent use.
@grayareas @JohnPhilpin 1. You can make rings for anything you want: ie. typewriter collectors, MB Analog something, MB Fountain pen collectors. 2. Webringo allows for three types of ring code: A. HTML, B. JavaScript, C. I Frame so you don't have to put a ring code directly on page. 3. Webringo produces a Index page of all member sites within the ring - that could be very useful. 4. You could let members edit the default HTML code so it is smaller if you want.
The index page for each ring plus the ring codes gives people 2 ways to surf the ring. Each ring is like a club.
You can put ring codes on MB hosted blogs in the footer now. I thnk Manton is working on making blog templates more customizable. Once that happens this could be an idea that takes off. Just my 2 cents.
@bradenslen Sounds cool. Thanks for weighing in. Will def look into Webringo once Manton makes his blog template changes.
@grayareas @RianVDM @Jack I hope you enjoy your turntable when you get it. I still remember my first system with much affection (Dual 505, NAD 3120 and B&W 220 speakers) with great affection. Everything after that initial huge leap has been incremental.