@Bruce Yeah, I think for existing conversations where participants are already invested in the subject what you’ve been doing works well.
My grumbling was more about initial posts, and in particular where you have >280 and <~512-1024 characters worth to say about a given subject…it’s too long for a single inline micropost, but maybe not really “long enough” for a traditional blog post, but “part 2” also has an important point that you don’t want to get lost being an elipsis+domain name link…there we tend to default to 2 separate posts, so both on this platform and on your blog, the 2 parts are disconnected from each other, forever, and discussion may also be fragmented between the separate parts, rather than looking at the argument as a whole…. (Or, in this specific case, your “weekly review“ is half a weekly review + another half a weekly review….)