@MitchWagner No. Not unless you count audio books. I have a Kindle, but I prefer old fashioned paper.
@MitchWagner No. Not unless you count audio books. I have a Kindle, but I prefer old fashioned paper.
@odd Many people do prefer paper. I’m reading about a dozen bucks a year now but I have not read more than one or two on paper since 2010.
@MitchWagner I don’t plan to get many more paper books bc of limited place for new shelves, though I might swap new books with some of those I’ve already got.
@MitchWagner Nope. Hard copy. I do read plenty of articles and such that I save to Pocket, however.
@maique Same here. I installed the Kindle app on my iPad when it came out in 2010 and since then I think I've read two print books. I read a book a month.
@maique You’ve got a lot going on. I can see why you might have difficulty finding the time to read books.