I know there’s a sub-community around pens and stationery on micro.blog. I don’t see it hiding in discovery. Is there a tagmoji for it (yet)?
I know there’s a sub-community around pens and stationery on micro.blog. I don’t see it hiding in discovery. Is there a tagmoji for it (yet)?
@c @macgenie @docuguy +2
There's definitely a strong analog stream on here, and I'd love to be able to jump directly in!
@jessekelber @macgenie @docuguy Has anyone done a micromonday post/thread about people to follow in the space? That's another good way to approach it too.
@c @macgenie I don't recall seeing anything specific to this…but don't quote me on that.
@cdevroe I'm the same way. I prefer the magic way that m.b. intuits podcast posts (because it finds an audio tag) to post things into the podcast discovery feed instead of using a microphone🎙. Sadly that's a more difficult problem for other topics. I specifically mark up watch, listen, jam, and other posts, but that's another ball of wax that large swaths of people are less likely to necessarily support on their own sites. One day anthropologists will find microblog posts with these emoji and think we may have used these in our speech not knowing that they were being used to indicate something to a computer. 💬🖥️