Working on an update to for macOS. Anyone have any Mac-specific gripes that need attention?
Working on an update to for macOS. Anyone have any Mac-specific gripes that need attention?
@manton Conversations are often just blank white pages. It used to be restricted to when clicking through from Discover but after recent updates it has spread elsewhere.
@manton I'd love to be able to see cross-posting & categories simultaneously and let them stay visible for a new post if I left either or both visible the past time I authored and posted.
@manton when I do a Google search for macos app
it brings up a Netlify link to an old version of the app as the 2nd choice:
@kimonostereo Good catch. That was a mirror set up by @paulrobertlloyd years ago for a redesign... I don't think I have access to it. Paul, do you think you could just zap
@rpmik Yeah, it's a good point. I'll think more about this and maybe there will be a natural way to improve this in the future so that it's consistent everywhere.
@pratik I've been thinking about embed too. I don't like that it's not available in any form (even if slightly buried) on the Mac right now.
@manton How about some way to bring up the edit post screen on your own replies without having to navigate to it yourself. I make too many typos in my initial comments and posts. (Also the same on iOS as well 🙏🏾)
@manton macOS system text replacements don't work in the post editor. They do work in the iOS app post editor.
@manton When you're in a bookshelf, it's not obvious that you can right-click/control-click to pull up a contextual menu. I like the menu as is, but I'm not sure if some visual marker (is it called an ellipsis menu? - sorry, I'm a doctor, not a interface programmer!) would be helpful to more easily access it than just randomly click and hope it does something.
@manton Not sure how feasible it is, but being able to insert images inline in the text rather than just at the end on a post?
@manton Another very minor and perhaps a bug. If you click on a post, the conversation view appears. In that view, if you click on a post again, the conversation view appears in a new sliding window and keeps happening with each click. Perhaps the click should be disabled after it opens the first time?
@sebfontan Thanks! I'll add "delete" to the right-click options as a first step. That was definitely an oversight.
@manton option to keeping the category options in view. stop the main window unminimising when clicking into the post window
@manton recently the publishing changes to blog seems to be really slow and I fear quiting the app. And related to my other push the ability to import from instagram etc from the app to other blogs your own on your account
@adamprocter More clear than the domain name at the bottom of the new post window? I'd like to add a favicon next to it, although most blogs don't have a separate favicon currently.
@manton if you think it’s possible? it just doesn’t always register to me visually, maybe at the top like on the web post
@manton I hadn't had the chance to really play around with the new Mac version of Thank you for making that change to bookshelves - it's definitely more intuitive now!