Posts reply count UI:
@manton I think this is a nice addition — especially now that I’m not showing any replies in the timeline.
@jthingelstad I think @vincent who codes the app has mentioned its on his list to implement @manton
@pratik @jthingelstad I'll check if it's available in the API this week, if so, I'll ask @manton.
@manton maybe view replies might be nicer? I like the concept of a link but not the number count.
@patrickrhone @incanus That makes sense. Or maybe just "Conversation" like we have in the timeline.
@manton Yes, I like that even better. Not only more consistent but also more friendly/engaging. Just like the current test, you can show it only when there is "conversation" around a post. Still achieves the same goal without focus on the numbers.
@vincent Nothing in the API yet. There's a little extra overhead getting the replies count, so maybe it shouldn't be in the JSON by default. We can talk about it.
@manton maybe we could add a conversation id to it. Coming from the Micropub endpoint though, so perhaps if it includes a conversation id we just show a “Replies” button without the count? That way we can just launch the convo screen (or a version of it).
@manton @patrickrhone (Edit: my reply got too long so off it goes into its own thing)
@vincent Yeah, including the conversation ID can't hurt. It would be more efficient than currently where you essentially have to hit another endpoint like Conversation.js to get the ID for a published URL.
@SimonWoods To me, your description leans toward using "Conversation", because this feature essentially bridges the blog world with the timeline world. But both could work.
@manton I love the idea of bridging the two, for sure. I guess I'm overly concerned with other people struggling to understand it, or to be specific actually hitting a wall in the experience when they do come across it. I know these problems are inevitable but still...
@gr36 I think the only way right now would be via JavaScript, by calling into the webmentions JSON. See the docs here (this link won't work inside the apps currently). We should be able to make it available to Hugo also.
@gr36 I would be interested in this. I'm thinking some indicator next to the post title (on this page, for example) or even as a superscripted indicator on the posts that have mentions. I don't want the count of mentions but just an indicator that this post has at least one mention.