Welcome to Micro.blog! You can use Micro.blog to receive webmentions on any web page at your own domain name, hosted anywhere. This is a service of Micro.blog similar to Webmention.io.

To get started, add the following tag to your HTML:

<link rel="webmention" href="https://micro.blog/webmention">

Micro.blog will receive webmentions and store them for you. You can then access them via JavaScript.

Retrieve webmentions by passing a target parameter for your web page URL:


Response as JSON Feed:

"version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1",
"title": "Conversation",
"home_page_url": "https://micro.blog/manton/12566578",
"feed_url": "https://micro.blog/webmention?target=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.manton.org%2F2022%2F03%2F09%2Fcomplete-draft-of.html&format=jsonfeed",
"items": [
    "id": "12566621",
    "content_html": "<p><a href=\"https://micro.blog/manton\">@manton</a> congrats, looking forward to reading it</p>\n",
    "url": "https://micro.blog/wfm/12566621",
    "date_published": "2022-03-09T12:29:25+00:00",
    "authors": [
        "name": "Notes",
        "url": "http://www.liam.ie",
        "avatar": "https://micro.blog/wfm/avatar.jpg",
        "_microblog": {
        "username": "wfm"
    "id": "12566666",
    "content_html": "<p><a href=\"https://micro.blog/manton\">@manton</a> This looks great and gratulations for the release! 🎉</p>\n",
    "url": "https://micro.blog/svenseebeck/12566666",
    "date_published": "2022-03-09T12:52:18+00:00",
    "authors": [
        "name": "Sven Seebeck",
        "url": "https://svenseebeck.me",
        "avatar": "https://avatars.micro.blog/avatars/2022/395.jpg",
        "_microblog": {
        "username": "svenseebeck"

To retrieve webmentions in JF2 format, pass a format parameter:


Response as JF2:

"type": "feed",
"name": "Conversation",
"children": [
    "type": "entry",
    "author": {
      "type": "card",
      "name": "Notes",
      "url": "http://www.liam.ie",
      "photo": "https://micro.blog/wfm/avatar.jpg"
    "url": "https://micro.blog/wfm/12566621",
    "published": "2022-03-09T12:29:25+00:00",
    "wm-received": "2022-03-09T12:29:25+00:00",
    "wm-id": 12566621,
    "content": {
      "text": "@manton congrats, looking forward to reading it",
      "html": "<p><a href=\"https://micro.blog/manton\">@manton</a> congrats, looking forward to reading it</p>\n"
    "mention-of": "https://www.manton.org/2022/03/09/complete-draft-of.html",
    "wm-property": "mention-of",
    "wm-private": false
    "type": "entry",
    "author": {
      "type": "card",
      "name": "Sven Seebeck",
      "url": "https://svenseebeck.me",
      "photo": "https://avatars.micro.blog/avatars/2022/395.jpg"
    "url": "https://micro.blog/svenseebeck/12566666",
    "published": "2022-03-09T12:52:18+00:00",
    "wm-received": "2022-03-09T12:52:18+00:00",
    "wm-id": 12566666,
    "content": {
      "text": "@manton This looks great and gratulations for the release! 🎉",
      "html": "<p><a href=\"https://micro.blog/manton\">@manton</a> This looks great and gratulations for the release! 🎉</p>\n"
    "mention-of": "https://www.manton.org/2022/03/09/complete-draft-of.html",
    "wm-property": "mention-of",
    "wm-private": false

To include the conversation directly on a web page, add this snippet of JavaScript where you want the webmentions to appear, passing a url parameter for your web page URL:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://micro.blog/conversation.js?url=https://example.com/page/100></script>

Note: Micro.blog keeps track of conversations from posts that first appear in a feed on your website. Make sure to have an RSS or JSON Feed. Micro.blog will download your recent posts and make them available in the Micro.blog timeline. Micro.blog works best with sites that have their own domain name, not multiple users on the same domain name.