@paulcraig901 Thanks for these links, and sorry for the delayed response. I did an initial read, spent a few days thinking about them, and then a re-read. Definitely good food for thought.
For the most part, I think that the opinion piece from Becky Bennett makes the mistake of equating disrespect for Trump and the worst of his followers with disrespect for rural Americans. There is certainly overlap between those two audiences, but as I said before I think there is evidence that this is not a causal relationship.
The Wendell Berry link is more interesting to me, given that he is specifically talking about the misrepresentation of rural Americans by a certain liberal publication - The New York Review of Books. Berry's criticisms here are absolutely fair and he makes a persuasive case that NYRB was disrespecting rural voters.
All that being said, I take a little issue with complaints about "the liberal media", as if there isn't equal disrespect shown to urban voters coming from conservative media. To hear Fox news (and worse) tell it, the beautiful and diverse urban neighborhoods that I live in and near are nothing more than crime-ridden hell holes. Conservative media is just as disrespectful to me and my values, if not more so, than liberal media is to rural Americans.
To be clear, I am not trying to defend the Democratic party that has ignored rural America for too long. Nor am I excusing the liberal voices on social media and elsewhere who ridicule Trump voters rather than engaging with them in good faith. Both tend to make matters worse rather than persuading others to vote differently.
But I do feel that pointing the finger at the liberal media minimizes the responsibility of partisans - on both sides - for our current state of affairs. I place blame more generally on hyper-partisan media and the tendency of both sides to treat their opponents with disrespect.