@pimoore awesome!!!
@pimoore In your write up about installation you refer to Tufte a couple of times. // @toddgrotenhuis
@pimoore You’re on fire with these quality themes. M.b needs a directory for these kinds of things.
@pimoore Dammit! I had just gotten used to my theme and now you're tempting me with this one. Great job!
@amit I gave kudos to Pat Dryburgh when he first designed and presented Hitchens. When was that, 1-2 yrs ago or more? I wonder whether he's still around to now see people like it. I remember Manton liked it back then too, but for some reason it couldn't be used on microblog. So now it can be? Maybe it should be called Dryburgh, not Hitchens.
@pimoore You’re not kidding about the short code issue. At work, we created our own shortcodes on a project and found we’d created our own lock-in that we had to get out of. 🤣
@pimoore my stream is full of hoopla about Hitchens … and I thought .. no worries … I already have the most excellent Tufte. And then I saw the screen shots.
Damn you Pete Moore … damn you … you have done it again.
@pimoore That’s great! Loving the Tufte, but I’ll have to see what people do with Hitchens. I was a late adopter of the Tufte, but it does everything I want from a theme.
@timapple yep, this is one reason I prefer using plain markdown and SSGs that doesn't require my to use "custom" markdown
@odd most tempted because of no lock ins with short codes … that’s what has held me back
@JohnPhilpin I’m not even sure what a short code is. I don’t think I have used any. Then I’m not the world’s most advanced user either.
@pimoore Ok. I’m pretty sure he is of Norwegian descent on his father’s side though, unless the name originally is Danish.
@pimoore I suspected so. The place he’s from isn’t that far from where Olaf Tufte, the multiple Olympic Gold winner is from.
@Pilchuck That was a starting point for many of the people going west, wasn’t it? If I remember correctly, some of my relatives went on to Minnesota from there.
@pimoore 😂 Olaf pronounce his last name “TUFF-teh”. He’s a really tuff guy. Tuff, but nice, (from what I’ve seen on TV, don’t know him personally).
@pimoore I would not have used double ff or ee to describe the pronunciation of that name. Unless you want to do the most American version possible 🤠
@Pilchuck This was maybe a common occurrence, to have long immigration, because it must have been steep rent prices with all the immigrants coming in at that time?
On my mothers side, my grandfather was born in the late 1800s too, and I think it’s odd to think about only two generations up, and we’re back when there were practically no cars or electric appliances around.
@Ron Been a really rough year but I just saw this now. I love that people are expanding on it and making it accessible to more people! I just wish I’d been sent an email about it just so I had something to make me smile while things haven’t been so… smile inducing.
@pat Hi Pat, Yes it would have been good manners for folks to thank you from the start! I don't know what made it so popular recently. There are a lot of experimenters here who are constantly making changes on their blogs. I suppose their focus is on how their blogs are looking.
My condolences to you for the loss of your father. These have been very rough times for so many, in so many ways. My best wishes to you & hope this is a sign that times have now changed for the better for you.
@pimoore You've done an outstanding job with it. I tried at one point to figure out a migration path from Jekyll to Hugo, but I didn't have the time at the time to see it through.
I'm sorry about your dad, too. I'm grateful that I was able to spend almost the entire last year caring for and spending time with Dad. I expect the grieving process to take years; heck, my dad's death brought up feelings about my mom's death 7 years prior. I'm thankfully in a stable place with family nearby which really helps.
@pimoore I had thought installation would be much trickier than it appears to be from reading your post... and that I'd need Hugo or something. I might give it a shot. Thanks again =]
@pimoore I'm a bit late and probably dense, but how do I change colors? Do I need to clone the plugin and change it there? Or is there a better way?