@colinwalker I think this is fantastic. To have ownership and add features to your own blog platform is the best! Only the other day I asked if @manton could edit something for my bookshelves, he did, and I just thought wow you know most products you have no say and no control which is why I have enjoyed my own code project nodenogg.in as you say you can really tune it and iterate live as you go. Another current Vue project effectively has a blog part hmmm interesting times 🤣 Well done ! Inspiring
@colinwalker I like this, I don't know how many times I've started to write my own CMS but I've always stopped. The main reason being that I get bored after I few days and think "why do I do this?". I'm glad that you have created something you find useful and enjoy.
@adamprocter Thanks Adam, yeah it does feel pretty special. nodenogg.in has always looked like fun.
@colinwalker congrats on being incredibly as I say SavvyIndie! I just started using a CMS for the first time with Webflow. Must say it's weird switching from the mindset of 'Create new Page', to 'Create a Template' and add new instance.
If you ever decide to market your service to others, consider dropping the punctuation in the name (you can still style it in on the logo). blogin has quite a nice ring to it as a single word, like
I'm bloggin'
@warner Thanks. I originally wanted the separation as it was both a play on blogging and having everything on the blog 'inline' – no backend, just write, edit and delete all inline.
There is an old version of the CMS on GitHub but it's changed and developed a lot since I stopped updating that repository.