Time for an upgrade. Intel to M3.
@manton Congratulations! Has your primary machine until now been an Intel Mac?
I just did the same upgrade 8 days ago. I hope you enjoy it and find it as productivity-enhancing as I have.
@MitchW Yep, it had been. Probably should’ve upgraded a couple years ago but now it’s an even bigger upgrade.
@manton Migration assistant for the win? I was worried I'd have a bunch of apps that weren't ARM compatible when I upgraded but almost everything these days is at least dual platform.
@manton The time is right. Most compatibility issues for homebrew packages and native extensions have been solved. That was a hassle in the beginning. And the performance and efficiency pay off anytime.
@manton Just did that. Incredible upgrade, realized what I had been missing since M1 🙂
@manton Welcome to the future! Hopefully a good spec too that’ll last you a long time.
@manton I'm impressed that the Intel Mac was up to the job—though I should not have been. My 2018 MacBook Pro was mostly running fine, although it was starting to get a bit flaky and I decided to make the upgrade now, rather than abruptly when the MBP failed.
@manton had to read that again - intel to m3??? How long did you have the intel one.
@manton Congrats! I think we are now at the tipping point of accelerating Intel’s phase out, as the 2019 (-20?) models start to show their age. At least this is my subjective experience with my work MBP.
@mihobu docks to the left for the win! I mean I also have switch glass to the right aswell nowadays mind 👍
@manton That’s a heck of an upgrade! Looking forward to hearing about it on Core Intuition!
@manton knowing what you’ve done with an Intel Mac while M-series Macs exist — is a good reminder that the tools don’t matter if you’ve got the real talent.