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@manton This is a great new addition to the discover tab. It would be really handy at those time when you just can’t find that one post. Looking forward to see this cover more and more posts - hopefully replies - at more places. Kudos for the start! 👍🏽
@bradenslen @manton Nice Job! I am excited for the search updates.
@manton That would be great. Was just thinking about MB search a couple of days ago....
@manton This is a welcome enhancement. Replies would be useful too but I have to admit more than that I sometimes want to find a thread from my timeline (that I didn’t reply to). So the ability to search threads started by people I follow (or maybe limit to ones who also follow me) would be ++. I often don’t have time to respond or investigate something right away or just suffer from a delayed brain trigger on a topic. Even if I could load a couple of days of my timeline into the app and do a local search (command-F) on that it would be enough to help greatly.
@ronguest Yes, that would be great! I'd love to do something with searching mentions for people you follow.
@manton You put a lot of yourself (plus much careful thought & effort) into this platform. It shows. Thank you.
@akorn There's a page that collects posts that use one of the video game controller emoji: