What’s up with all the email newsletters? Please, y’all, blog with RSS feed is so much better!
What’s up with all the email newsletters? Please, y’all, blog with RSS feed is so much better!
@marmanold 100% agree, although I think email newsletters are conceptually easier for non-nerds to wrap their heads around and engage with; RSS requires another app that you check.
@marmanold I think “follower” retention is the key word as to why those who send out the newsletters do it that way, and as @robertsapunarich said, on the receiving end most people get emails, but most people (sadly) have never tried an RSS reader. Maybe it’s the acronyms fault, I don’t know. Maybe we should call it “Happy Mail” 😊
@robertsapunarich Agreed. Sad that email clients dropped RSS support and Webmail never really had it. Missed opportunity for a better, more open web.
@robertsapunarich @marmanold To Robert's point, I've found simple newsletter engines with simple RSS included, but not simple blog engines with email subscription included. This actually something I've requested of @help as a killer feature.
@toddgrotenhuis +1 to that feature request. Allowing people to subscribe via email would definitely make it easier for my less technical family and friends to follow my updates here. Cc @help