Techies can’t seem to make up their minds whether they want politics in their life or not. Until they realize, it’s the only way to get what they want - maintaining the status quo.
Read more: To Politics or NotTechies can’t seem to make up their minds whether they want politics in their life or not. Until they realize, it’s the only way to get what they want - maintaining the status quo.
Read more: To Politics or Not@pratik it’s super unsurprising that DHH is very comfortable on the site filled with the misognyous, homophobic, Nazi, anti-vax mob as a place without politics.
If the place you’re most comfortable is the Nazi bar…
@pratik it frustrates me when I see communtities I’m in use his products and make excuses for DHH and 37signals.
@stupendousman I use techies as an example mostly coz I encounter their writings (ramblings?) the most online and also coz they’re more likely to overestimate their knowledge about non-tech areas.
@jsonbecker it frustrates me too but it’s their choice. DHH is basically Musk with 70% Progress Bar and less wealth. Give him time. He’ll get there.
@jasonekratz I have no idea of what the identities or affiliations of the people I mention are. Also, don't know how that is relevant to this post. I saw no indication in either post that they were talking about any specific misrepresentations they have related to those identities.
@rcrackley @pratik I know this isn’t my conversation so I’ll but out, but I don’t think it’s helpful to mash together quotes from a post and subsequent conversation that changed course slightly. If Pratik is attacking anyone it’s leaders at tech companies (most of whom are white) who don’t believe politics should be discussed, but who use politics to their benefit (and use it more easily given their power and money). Stating a group of people is at the top of the food chain does not equate to that group of people taking any specific actions nor did Pratik say that.
@rcrackley @pratik @humdrum @jasonekratz I'm just catching up, but I suggest we pause this conversation for a bit if it looks like it's going to spiral. Thanks y'all.
@manton Thanks. I’m happy to let it sit until morning and I only involved you and @jean since @rcrackley brought up Community Guidelines. I’m more than willing to have a civil conversation with him on the merits of his argument which I find misplaced separately. That need not involve anyone else but can be done publicly although others should feel free to chime in as @humdrum has (appreciate it) But I would be remiss if I don’t say I’m getting Vasta-related deja vu