It's been pretty quiet here for the past few days. I've not had anything to write about or felt a compulsion to post. Normally I would see that as a red flag (although probably way too late) that my mental health was on a downwards slide but I genuinely don't feel that is the case right now. Tracy wrote about "reclaiming intentionality in browsing and blogging, being less passive with consumption and less reactive in her blogging. It's pretty much how I've been feeling about things recently. "I suspect my balance of intake is off: I need a greater amount of what I read to be something I’ve activel...
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@colinwalker really enjoyed this post. Very much appreciated the honesty. I have found myself in similar creative wastelands though, thankfully, none of it having to do with being in a depressed state. Usually I just churn. Spin my wheels. Until whatever it is I am trying to give birth to arrives, if it ever does. Sometimes it's just churn. I see your post as that churn having turned a corner for you. I hope that is true. Hope you are feeling better.


@colinwalker Love this post, both for what you say about writing, and about what depression means for understanding one's own human identity. p.s. Sometimes I feel like my whole life has been a series of coping strategies :-D
