I may have Osborne effect-ed myself a little with the blog post teasing Micro.one. Current customers: do not worry. The first phase of the plan for Micro.one is limited. If you’re already subscribed to Micro.blog, you’re in the right place.
I may have Osborne effect-ed myself a little with the blog post teasing Micro.one. Current customers: do not worry. The first phase of the plan for Micro.one is limited. If you’re already subscribed to Micro.blog, you’re in the right place.
@manton no cancellations here, I’m really happy with your work in my short few days being a subscriber. Keep it up!
@manton If you would like a hint at how old I am, my first computer was not an Osborne, but its cousin and direct competitor, the Kaypro II.
@scattershot Thank you!
@manton Marketing is always tricky. Writing copy is an art, which isn't going to please everyone. Any change will make people think and consider their options, as they should.
@manton Not sure what Micro.one is or will be, but love your other projects, so I’m sure this one will be great as well.