Introducing podcast transcripts:
@timapple Thanks! No way to do that at the moment, although you could copy/paste the transcript into the post pretty easily. By default we include a "Transcript" link to connect the audio post and transcript post.
@manton This is excellent. Such a great addition to the Premium plan. 🙌
I also liked the random thought you mentioned in a reply recently, that Wavelength might get folded into the main app. Would certainly make sense considering this advanced feature is now part of the main app.
@manton That makes me want to pick up my PuppyCasts again. Is it possible to get transcripts for older episodes?
@matti Right now it only generates a transcript when the MP3 is first uploaded, and only one episode per day. We may be able to expand it in the future. There's an extra cost for us so want to keep an eye on usage first.
@manton The ChatGPT version made me smile. I dont think I’ve seen the phrases “boost your reach” or “improve SEO” in anything you’ve written. 😏
@camacho Thank you! Good luck. 🙂
@rom It is sent to OpenAI. They don’t use the data to train models and delete it within a month, so I feel comfortable outsourcing this part. I added it to our privacy policy too.
@manton Nice. The AI-generated blog post reads like such a PR post which I guess is what it is trained on.
@rom I’ve used Aiko too. It’s great. I evaluated a few options and decided (for now) I don’t want to set up new servers for this.