@sod Tested with the King's New Year Speech, since it was already transcribed at the royal website. 1100ish word. Made textfiles with one word (or one word+punctuation) per line and diffed it. 98 differences, 50% where punctuation mismatches. Which is probably a bit difficult to get from speech. 7-8 words that was totally wrong spelling for norwegian. A few mismatches in plurals. But it also showed that the royal transcription had spelling errors in a few spots. Just one total erroneous word where whisper transcribed a word with the total opposite meaning (urolig vs rolig (and not the swedish rolig))
But it also added quotation marks around two sentences that I think is natural to add them to that the royal transcription didn't have.
All in all. very impressed based on this little test. I think I would subscribe to a podcast player that did this with all podcast episodes I playes.