@bix The 2 new templates are: layouts/section/replies.html
and layouts/reply/single.html
. You can see the Marfa template here.
@manton Is this a step towards the opposite, too? (Others' replies showing up on a post, similar to a webmention?)
@manton Excellent. I'm glad this change is being made and I look forward to the continuing improvements in this regard. Looks like a great start!
@Gabz It still works, although the pagination and custom layout (like including the domain name of someone you're replying to) won't be included yet.
@manton I see. I might have to use Marfa just so I can see this in action and understand how it works. Thank you again.
@bix Yes, for example the link on this page in my replies links to your reply in the conversation. If it's a reply to a blog post, the link goes there.
@manton Nice enhancement. I agree, having the replies siloed in Micro.blog doesn’t really fit with the mission. On a related note, do you have any recommendations for showing Micro.blog replies on a WordPress-hosted blog (assuming that’s possible)? I have WordPress comments on my post, and would like to mix in Micro.blog ones, if I can (and Twitter too, but that seems like it would be harder).
@manton oh sorry I’m seeing them there as well! Is it possible to pick certain replies to appear in my main feed? I think I was misunderstanding the feature.
(Also, is there a simple way to add a link to that replies page in the nav bar?)
@kusters I don't think there's a good way to mix just specific replies into the home page. For linking, create a page under Posts → Pages with the contents as just the URL for replies on your site, and Micro.blog will create a link there. (I will likely make this automatic later.)
@dejus We don't have a guide for it yet (there's some info in my upcoming book)... In a nutshell it means installing the IndieWeb plugins: Webmention (to receive Webmentions) and Semantic Linkbacks (to make them look nicer).
@manton That makes sense. The only thing I can think of is some sort of checkbox when making a reply that turns it into more of a full blog post. But that might go against some other community considerations.
Thanks so much for your work here! Fanastic new feature.
@manton This is great to read – replies (or at least a reference to them) not appearing on your blog always felt a bit weird to me. I think this is a definite change for the better!
@manton This is a very welcome feature for me on MB. I'm not using Marfa, but I'm going to implment it anyway and see what happens because I really can't wait. Thanks!
@bradenslen Great! You'll find the basics work in the other themes already, but they definitely need improvements to include more of the information stored for replies. I've started a help page here with example links.
@manton I turned on showing replies but I'm not seeing any show up on Typewriter theme. I'm probably doing something wrong or missing the point. I'm wondering it IntenseDebate could conflict? I might move to Marfa to see if anything shows up.