@becky It is obviously missing the feed component, but I use Ulysses’s Wordpress integration for many of my Micro.blog posts. It has all of the posting features you asked for, but I guess the Wordpress app that you already have does too. So maybe not very helpful.
@rosskimes How are you linking Wordpress in Ulyssess to micro.blog? I've got a custom token but my URL isn't working. I'd love to know how you got it going.
@jsorge I just have my site's JSON feed wired in to my Micro.blog on the account page. (RSS will work fine too).
@becky This would be great! I like the idea of an app that understands microblogs but is designed specifically for WordPress users. Even as the official Micro.blog app gets better, it will never do everything. So kind of in between that and what a full MarsEdit for iOS might look like.
@rosskimes Oh so you're actually running Wordpress, too. That makes sense 🙂
@manton Yes! That’s exactly what I’m imagining...a sort of “Mars Edit Lite.” Maybe someday I’ll have time! 😄