More post summary updates: Oh nice! That kinda makes it unnecessary for me to use this workaround of cross-posting separately after publishing so that I can add an extra comment, since I can use this summary for this. And it will also appear on Mastodon (I'm assuming that this includes the ActivityPub @ profile?). Actually it's not included in the ActivityPub version yet. I'll get that added by tomorrow, though. I think that is the last missing piece. Actually it's not included in the ActivityPub version yet. I'll get that added by tomorrow, though. I think that is the last missing piece.
@drose Thanks! Not yet, because right now using the AI summary is a manual process. You have to edit the post in on the web and click the "Generate" button to fill it in. It could be automatic but feels better to start with a human reviewing and editing it if needed.
@manton right on. That makes a lot of sense. I wonder if I can craft a summary in Obsidian… hmm…
@manton I like it. I might prefer it if just the summary gets cross-posted — not the title, but I'll have to play with it to be sure. I figure people will see the title in the link preview. Thanks!
@manton I just noticed that the summary on my latest long form post was auto populated by everything before the “more” tag. Nice.
@manton I noticed summaries are not included in the JSON feed of my Timeline (
@pratik sorry— Mean Girls joke.
@pratik I realize now the joke is at the very end of that page— but she tries to create this slang term and finally like 2/3s through the movie the queen cool girl is fed up and said “stop trying to make fetch happen”
@manton FYI, the summary feature doesn't work when doing a manual cross-post from the web UI. I'm guessing this is an oversight. Or at least I'm hoping it is.
@markstoneman Yeah, I wasn’t sure if it should be included on the manual page at first, but it probably should be. I’ll add it. Thanks.