@johnjohnston the best teachers around me are those who “keep it fresh” for themselves, with new tools or by shuffling the material. I think it’s because their sense of discovery percolates to students. I’ve seen it in my own transition to teaching.
@seishonagon yes, certainly I am on my game more when tackling something new or in a new way.
@johnjohnston this is interesting reading in light of the recent episode of Future Tense where they investigate of Disruption and the way that it has extended beyond Christensen's original reference.
@mrkrndvs thanks, I’ve huffduffed the audio for later listening. I doubt that the disruption model is one that is good for schools. It might work in business where they try to impact market, but learners might need more delicate handling?
@johnjohnston not sure. I think that there are some who argue that education is ripe for disruption, but that does not always means that it is good or useful. Definitely an interesting listen.
@mrkrndvs I've heard them, but don't think I'd agree, I'd like something softer, at lease since 2006: johnjohnston.info/blog/tag/...