Bokeh is on Kickstarter:
@smith Could you expand some more on the IndieWeb compatibility? After watching the video I'm interested!
(Side Note, until I'd watched the video I had no idea what Bokeh was, usually I wouldn't watch the video either - thankfully I did!)
@rosemaryorchard Thanks to you mentioning it, I've backed Bokeh. Not sure I would have seen the campaign otherwise. And @smith, if you can figure out a way to POSSE to Instagram, that would be excellent.
@jeremycherfas Not precisely related, but I changed my Instagram to a business account (me being the business), and now I can post to it automatically through Buffer. Just single images, but it's a start! (It notifies me it it's a multi image post and when it can't automatically post, so I can finish it manually.)
@rosemaryorchard first off, huge fan! Love your podcast Automators. Darn, maybe I need to do better explaining what it is without the video? So in terms of IndieWeb compatibility, all public profiles will have an RSS feed, the option to cross-post to other social networks, and support for custom domain names. We plan to allow for self-hosting too.
@smith hmmm, self hosting you say ... interesting
@smith Do you plan to support syndicating to Bokeh from sites too? That would be pretty awesome.
There's an IndieWeb wiki page on what makes a service IndieWeb friendly, and perhaps in the FAQs listing elements you support would be a nice idea ☺️
And thanks for loving Automators!
@smith Oh, and on understanding, specifically the post I started this conversation by replying to was the one where I wasn't sure what Bokeh really was from it.
@rosemaryorchard Thanks for the suggestion! Do you mean syndicating from other social networks or a personal site?
@smith Primarily syndicating from personal sites (known as POSSE in indieweb terms), that or some kind of way for people to follow my site through Bokeh. I suspect the former would be easier to implement ;)
I'm really looking forward to seeing how this turns out! I backed it as soon as I saw it turn up on the Discover feed here :)
@smith POSSE isn't really self hosting. Self hosting is when you install that exact software on your own server instead of using it on the providers service ( is hosted, is self hosted). POSSE is specifically "syndicate elsewhere", which means that my website can post to Twitter, Reddit, etc., on my behalf (automated) or I can manually share my content to another site (like Instagram). Which do you mean? 😀
(Please don't take this as criticism, just me trying to understand!)
@rosemaryorchard You're right, and I apologize. I'm still learning how to best communicate this. What I mean by self-hosting is that you'll be able to post pictures to your blog using WordPress, Jekyll,, etc., and those pictures will show up on Bokeh if you want them to.
@smith No worries! Maybe documenting somewhere how you plan for that to work (or adding somewhere that you plan for this to be an option) would be worthwhile :)
@smith So it sounds like you're building a platform similar to, but instead of focusing on a variety of content types, you're specializing in photos? If you're not already lurking, I'd invite you to join us in the indieweb chat
@jeremycherfas @rosemaryorchard Doesn't business Instagram require a Facebook page? I mean, Instagram is Facebook anyway but last I checked that was a requirement.
@aaronpk @rosemaryorchard I don’t use Buffer but Hootsuite does a reasonable job of posting to Instagram. Of course, you have to be awake to finish the process, but I always am.
@aaronpk I don't think so, it can be reversed though. If anything I seem to be getting more followers rather than fewer, apparently IG promotes business accounts over personal ones. And it does seem to be the only way to POSSE.
@rosemaryorchard Have there been any negative side effects of converting to a business account? I've been curious about that but afraid to try it out.
@smith Are you planning on attending the Micro.Blog meetup at WWDC? Or going to IndieWeb Summit in Portland? I'm sure lots of people there would love to hear about Bokeh!
@rosemaryorchard I would love to go, but I'm not sure my current circumstances will allow me to.