Empty apartment with built-in bookshelves, just one potential future. We’ve been thinking about downsizing ever since all the kids moved out. Change is hard, though.

Empty apartment with built-in bookshelves, just one potential future. We’ve been thinking about downsizing ever since all the kids moved out. Change is hard, though.
@manton Moving to an apartment? Nice. Initially, when you shared something that an apartment guy said, I assumed you were looking for an apartment for your kid. I have always wondered why people continue to live in a house after the kids have moved out.
@manton my parents didn't do this, and I continue to think it was a mistake. It takes some bravery for sure.
@manton You are right! We have done such downsizing two years ago: kids moved out, house is sold now, joined a smaller flat. More space, less duties, more freedom for additional topics! Enjoy!
@timapple Have you seen this supposed (supposed because this is based off a single clip) trend of build-to-rent communities? Cray-cray.
As of this moment, the opinion formulating in my head is that renting only becomes long term bona fide when moving to a community where paying off a mortgage completely isn't really in the cards. Like the $6 million home we rent in Palo Alto's holy grail school district (sans kids) that isn't all that much bigger than the house we owned in Athens, GA, purchased for $125K.
@manton We are seriously thinking about downsizing as our youngest heads off to college in a couple of weeks.
@manton Discarding stuff you no longer need is even harder, but it goes with downsizing. Moving is one of life's most stressful events. Some even need professional help from a psychologist to deal with the stress. However, the older one gets, the harder it becomes.
@manton I’ve found it only get harder with the years. I’ve never owned a house though, only an apartment. Now I rent. (Not by choice though).
@timapple I needed out of the bible belt after 27 years. I was in Massachusetts for a year and also fell in love with Boston. F$&k any state trying to tell you what you can and cannot buy on a Sunday.
@timapple I meant a condo, i.e., downsizing to an apartment instead of a house. That way, we can live in more trendy and downtown areas if you like urban living.
@dejus Tempting! All the research I've done on travel trailers and vans would be a whole separate blog post. 🙂
@timapple Yup. In terms of the planet, too, denser living is what we should be promoting and going for. The expectation that everyone has an attached yard and a garage is wrecking havoc and is also more expensive. Via Kevin Drum, I love what this LA developer is doing.