@manton on the tags debate, tags, or something like them, would make things like the photo challenge a lot simpler to organise and play with. Perhaps the tags as taxonomy as opposed to inline tag would avoid more tags than text pollution?
@manton on the tags debate, tags, or something like them, would make things like the photo challenge a lot simpler to organise and play with. Perhaps the tags as taxonomy as opposed to inline tag would avoid more tags than text pollution?
@johnjohnston I’ve been thinking a lot about organisation of stuff specifically when thinking spatial UI. If I get something on paper will ping it around be great to get some debate on possible ways to organisation digital data. Tags being 1.
@johnjohnston Thanks for the feedback. I have some concerns about hashtag search, because they can be abused, but we want to explore something here.
@manton [un]helpfully, tags in mine link to those of my non–micro.blog site @johnjohnston
@manton yes, but it Wo I’d be great if you could get the benefits of aggregation of posts across sites without the abuse. I’ve had good fun with FeedWordPress for collecting rss for categories or tags across Blogs but perhaps some sort of push and approval would be better?
@adamprocter I’d love to see it, my mind is pretty much trapped in tags or category aggregations. Perhaps something like. Flickr groupwhen contributions could be approved or kicked...