What’s the feed reader service of choice amongst the community here? I remember many floating around, but always failed to note the recommendations.
What’s the feed reader service of choice amongst the community here? I remember many floating around, but always failed to note the recommendations.
@amit Feedbin is pretty popular. I was using it until just recently when I switched to News Explorer.
@cm Feedbin is what I have at top of my list to evaluate. How do you handle newsletters? That’s one problem I need to sort.
@hjertnes miniflux classic, or the new version?
If the latter - I'd be interested in knowing how you run it, as I've tried and given up in despair.
@colinwalker Feedbin is what am currently evaluating. I had read your recent (favourable) experience with News Explorer (& the team). I will add to this to the list too. One negative is accessing on Windows, that’s one key usage for me while at work.
@amit I use the free tier of Feedly - but I only follow about 20 feeds. I've tried others but find the Feedly web interface suits me best.
@hjertnes Interesting. And this also has a self hosted option(?). Is that what you are running?
@TheDimPause Feedly is what I am using currently. And surprising it’s interface is what I dislike the most. Usability wise too it’s not one close to the top (for example keyboard shortcuts, keeping read/unread). And no darkmode too 😐
@amit Yes it is self hosted solution that I have been a very happy user of for quite a while now.
The web ui is okay, and it has a fever api that you can use to hook up apps like Reeder and Unread.
If you have a VPS, I'd give it a shot. I have slowly moved one thing I paid monthly for, after another to my Linode this year.
@amit That was my original concern about switching but decided it actually helped me compartmentalise what I was doing.
@hjertnes Yeah. I will give it a try, do have a droplet always running with DO. How usable is it’s mobile web app?
@colinwalker Hmm. That’s true, I guess. At this point, catching up on my feed has become my daily routine first thing post login at work.
Anyway there is a 7 day trial. Will give it a try too.
@amit I suppose I am really just a light user, checking once or twice a day to see if I've missed anything I want to read. On the other hand, I really dislike Feedly's mobile app and use Reeder to access my account on iOS!
So it seems Feedbin is one of the front runners - with Reeder (and Unread) as mobile client of choice. And learnt of couple of other options too - News Explorer and Miniflux. I do not think there is any feed reader that can post to a micropub. I wish.
@cm This is fantastic, I think this will allow me to subscribe to the newsletters again. Will give it a try.
@amit I have been using Feed Wrangler since Google Reader died. At $19/year, the price can't be beat. The service has never has issues. It's bare bones, but I feel like that's ok unless you absolutely need a web front end, in which case Feedbin seems to be a favorite. I use Unread on my iOS devices and Reeder on macOS.
@amit feedly ... but so many people don’t use it I am wondering what I am missing.
I have used it since google reader went away
@bradbarrish Yeah, Feed Wrangler was the feed reader of choice for me before I moved to feedly. And that was primarily due to the web app. I had realized I do not want multiple apps for multiple platforms. Especially on mac/windows.
@JohnPhilpin I personally just don't find the interface useful. It looks to be driven by making it share heavy, may be to market as it's a free service and app.
@jmreekes Ah. I had heard about Inoreader, but never tried. This looks to be targetted towards power users (with the list of features and design decisions). Do you use the free tier? It says it shows ads?
@eli yes! I have installed it (again) and I am delighted with it. I cannot understand why the developer ruined his own program so comprehensively.
@amit I’m on one of the paid plans. The rules are a nice feature, but I don’t use them that much. I’m thinking of giving Feedly a go.
@vanessa Thank you. Newsblur looks to be promising. I have two needs, a web and iOS app, which are both met by this. I think I will give this a try too.
@amit I also use Inoreader, but I’m getting real interested in how Feedbin can handle newsletters...
@bradbarrish I know this is a very old thread. How is Feed Wrangler doing in 2020? I contacted them but the customer service (or David) havent responded. Is it possible to mark as unread all article? What is the maximum article per feed? Will it purge old read articles? thanks