Double-jab achieved, covid in one arm and flu shot in the other. Now can I finally have my super powers please?
Double-jab achieved, covid in one arm and flu shot in the other. Now can I finally have my super powers please?
@jasonekratz Hopefully not, though I have read from several people this one’s a doozy—though they said that about the primary dose and I was fine.
@alexink Oh yeah, that’s another good one to get for sure. Next year I’ll be getting my shingles vax since I turn 50, and I’m very glad about that.
@pimoore @alexink if you’re making a list - get a whooping cough booster. My GP recommended it as something you should have after turning 50. I had a combo booster with tetanus.
@pimoore Yeah, we had a whole load of updates to our vaccines in 2019 (just before the pandemic hit) I got my Shingrix, and Hep alphabet ones during that year plus tetanus, as we were hoping to go to Paris in the spring of 2020.
Well, that never happened.
@meandering I was vaccinated as a kid and, I believe, am okay. But yeah. Take them when they're offered, always.
@meandering @alexink I believe whooping cough is already included with our boosters, which cover tetanus, diphtheria, and polio. I’m going to ask anyway as I’m due for a booster soon.
@pimoore Surprise wasn't in it! I'm just glad we'd had so many vaccines in 2019 as I think it helped prime our bodies for the initial onslaught.
@alexink so was I and thought that had me covered for life but apparently it’s recommended to get a booster after 50.
@meandering I'll check with my nurse next time I book a blood test.