@Changeling Curious, have user graphics suddenly disappeared for you on Micro.blog? I was getting used to them helping me navigate between posts and now they seem to have disappeared, at least where VoiceOver is concerned.
@Changeling Curious, have user graphics suddenly disappeared for you on Micro.blog? I was getting used to them helping me navigate between posts and now they seem to have disappeared, at least where VoiceOver is concerned.
@SteveSawczyn Yes, I just discovered that. Let me see what I can do as far as finding another solution.
@SteveSawczyn I'm going to email support about it. In the meanwhile, type profile in the virtual find box, then use find next and previous occurrence to move between posts.
@SteveSawczyn In other news, I did hear back from support, and they are going to either fix it or put it back how it was until they find another way. They said they thought the change would help VoiceOver users.
@Changeling Ah, great tip and I also see that @manton has made some seriously awesome changes to the feed now. Love the keyboard nav and article tags, I see this as a HUGE step in a good direction.
@Changeling Absolutely agree. Really appreciate the work @Manton and @Vincent are putting into these accessibility fixes.
@vincent Is there a preferred way to submit additional accessibility thoughts or ideas?
@SteveSawczyn if you’d like, an email would be great: help@micro.blog. That way Manton can share it with me and we can both look at it… and keep track of it.