Micro.blog free 6-month hosting for teachers: manton.org
@manton Wooo! This is fantastic. 🙌
@manton just passed this on, thank you! And did I read it right all accounts have podcast hosting til April?
@ElleNewman Thanks! Yep, all accounts get podcast hosting through April. There should be an audio upload button on the web (works with MP3s), or you can use our iOS app Wavelength to record and upload too.
@manton this is such a great idea that I hope all of us who have connections into the world of Education take your post and share it OUTSIDE of Micro.Blog and with the people it is meant for.
We all have / know children / grand children don’t we?
@JohnPhilpin Thanks! Yeah, I hope the link makes it to educators who would never have known about Micro.blog and have a need for exactly this sort of platform.
@handy Yes, in fact recently I wrote a blog post explaining how that is possible on Micro.blog now that category feeds have been improved.
@manton thanks so much. I missed this. And apparently missed where you can add replies to each post. That’s cool. Need to figure that out too. Great work!
@manton I’d love it if there a way to use categories to control where posts are syndicated to from Micro.blog — Twitter, Tumblr, etc.
@manton (following up on my own message) I just realized it may actually be possible to do that now. If not through micro.blog alone, then micro.blog + IFTTT.
@MitchWagner It is possible now using category feeds. There are some gotchas with having multiple feeds in Edit Feeds if posts can exist in both, so using IFTTT might be more straightforward.
@manton I may do IFTTT and I may see if I can make it work on micro.blog alone. The goal here is to easily, manually control whether a post appears on Twitter and Tumblr, on a per-post basis.
@manton This is awesome. Thank you for this. 😃 I forwarded this to my brother, who is a teacher, and asked him to pass it along to his colleagues as well.
@manton This is a great initiative Manton. Just a quick question for the future, what would happen to accounts at the end of the 6-months? Or at the end of the month of free podcasting? Do those posts and podcasts get hidden in the backend? Just wondering.
@mrkrndvs They don't get hidden. All the posts and audio files remain, you just can't upload anything new until subscribing.