@manton Sweeeet. I like how the updates are connected, in a batch to make a specific part of the platform much stronger.
@eli The domain name usernames are really for people who don't have a Micro.blog account at all. It's still pretty early, though, so I expect it'll evolve and be more integrated in the future.
@manton I'm trying to work out which way the IndieWeb compatibility moves. If the domain usernames are for people who don't have a Micro.blog account does that mean those of us with Micro.blog account can now be contacted via domain-based webmentions?
@simonwoods Yes. An external IndieWeb site can reply to a post on Micro.blog and it will be threaded into the conversation using their domain name.
@manton This is awesome! For those of us with both a Micro.blog account and a (different) IndieWeb-friendly domain, is there a way to link the two identities?
Or does that even make sense in the context of webmentions? Probably not, right? You’d want the webmention going to the specific post, and not necessarily the author.
@AngeloStavrow You can link the identities by including your external site on your account's site URL and make sure it's verified. That'll help match up the accounts if you ever reply via a Webmention.