
This year’s presidential election in USA comes down to selecting a good, decent man over trump. Nothing else matters. It is not a difficult decision that requires any thinking. Just shut the fuck up, go to the polling site and vote for Biden without any doubts or reservations.

Progress spinner

@Parag I'll be voting for Biden. But I think it's a mistake for people to take this tone and attitude.

Yes, Trump is a monster. He is a criminal, a rapist and wanna-be dictator. In every way he has shown himself to be a horrible human being. I know that. You know that. We fear for the future of democracy should he be elected and rightly so.

I'm seeing a lot of posts similar to yours which basically read as a scream, a demand, to accept what is offered, comply, vote because we have no choice: anything but Trump.

But in the next 9 months, whether we like it or not, the world keeps going. Politics and media in the US. A presidential debate? Israel, Palestine, Russia, Ukraine, etc.

I would argue that our backs are against a wall because the US is in a much deeper crisis than is being discussed. The fact that the Republican party is where it is is absolutely alarming. That 40+% of the population is likely to vote for Trump given what we know about him is alarming. That real-world facts seem to not matter and that a shared-reality of agreed upon facts seems to have fallen apart.

But beyond all of that the Democratic party half of the equation is broken in its own ways. We are now in this bind because of how that party functions. Too much for a comment.

Progress spinner

@Denny This 💯

Progress spinner

@Parag Agree with Denny. There is so much more that matters and this attitude, IMHO is part of the problem. We can’t even discuss our own very real, very critical faults on the left/Democratic Party. I long for more people to take our need for drastic improvement seriously. And yes I’m voting Biden. But damn. We are in serious trouble and cursing out those of us trying to improve things doesn’t help. Thanks for hearing this.

Progress spinner

@Denny 💯

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In reply to

@camacho @denny Don't get me wrong, I get what you are saying. I agree that there are problems with how the electoral system works in this country. I just think that this is not the time for all the introspection and hemming and hawing about who the candidate for Democratic party should be. It is too late for that. We can't keep talking about this when people are cocksure about voting for a criminal and installing him as a dictator. We need to get Democrats and independents fired up and unified behind Biden. There is no good alternative.

Progress spinner

@Parag @camacho I would argue it's always the right time. Why? Because otherwise we ALWAYS kick the can down the road. Someone gets elected and it's well, now we have to give them time to do the job. Can't judge too quickly. Kick the can down the road 2 years. Then it's the mid terms and now there are various political concerns about strategy, this, that, the other.

For decades the parties, party politics, electoral politics have resulted in a constant kicking of the can and no problems being solved. Abortion rights, conflict in the Middle East, little to no progress on the climate emergency, mass shootings, the cost of medical care... it's an endless list of not getting solved problems. And always too little to no action, not just in terms of the political parties and legislative process, but also the public. The public is largely to blame as it has side-stepped its responsibilities. We allowed ourselves to be redefined as consumers and gave up our responsibilities as citizens.

It's never the right time. And yet, it's always the right time.


Progress spinner

@Denny Biden didn't suddenly become old yesterday. He was old last year, he was old the year before that and he was old when he was elected. Democrats and Biden screwed up big time for not having thought of a succession plan and finding a suitable candidate for 2024. At this point, we have to play the hand that we are dealt and that means getting behind Biden.

@camacho @paulcraig901

Progress spinner

@Parag I dont think they screwed up. Biden spoke about how he wanted to be a bridge candidate early on but the assumption back then was Trump would somehow disappear which hasn't happened. I think he truly believes that he's the only guy who can beat Trump and needs to stay. If it wasn't Trump I dont think Biden would've been the nominee either. It doesn't help that either that the Kamala has been barely visible all through last 4 years to be groomed into the role (nor is the country ready for a woman president, let alone a black woman president), and they will not put another white man/woman before Kamala gets a shot at it herself at this point.

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