
Is Amazon seriously using Ave Maria in a commercial? This is not okay! The Holy Theotokos is not yours to control! Her body is not yours to sell! She is the Holy Mother of the new creation and the vessel of the Incarnation! God have mercy!

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@marmanold Agreed, although I'm not Catholic. However, something stuck me as odd when reading over the replies to Amazon that in the same post, one would cite the Holiness that had been violated and then curse out Amazon.

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@MrGibber @marmanold I saw that commercial yesterday and I thought it verey odd at best, and can absolutely see how Catholics would find that blasphemous. I'm not a Catholic and it seemed breathtakingly crass to me. It would have been crass to compare any pregnancy/delivery to package delivery like that, and specifically referencing Mary, even if that's the best way for you to tie it to Christmas, seems like an intentional poke in the eye. I can't fathom how someone could think that could be seen as anything else other than offensive.

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