Infowars follow-up quotes:
@manton great quotes - I love how the Onion is increasingly indistinguishable form satire
@manton Thanks for the shout-out! But here’s a weird thing: when I click on your link to my post, it shows up; but if I go to and scroll, that post is missing. Which is ... as I say, weird. Is it missing from the timeline for you as well?
@manton related to ayjay’s comment - I’m pretty sure you posted over the weekend there was some issue with notifications, and I’m pretty sure I read that post (at least I hope so, otherwise I must’ve dreamt it). But I can’t find that post anymore as if t didn’t exist. Also related, notifications still don’t seem to work for me.
@ayjay I see it in the timeline, but I think it was removed from your blog and the post page is still cached and hasn't been cleared out yet. Want me to restore it? (It's odd because any deletion should've removed it from the timeline too... I'll try to figure out what happened.)