@manton Continuing the conversation - @dave singing your praises over on Scripting - hadn't quite grokked that you were synching with him - KUDOS.
On both his blogroll and yours - you can download the OPML file - is that a future dev for your MicroBlog recommendations?
Also - any thoughts of promoting a community in side of MicroBlog somewhere - where you list anyone who has a blogroll.
Use case ..
I really like fred and jade and cynthia - would love to follow the RSS feeds that they follow - I already follow all the microbloggers they follow - but I want to reach outside of this eco system.
I got to micro.blog/ourRSSfeeds
I can see Jade - and can download her opml and merge the ones I want into mine - AND/OR - I just click merge and they all just come together in one giant glorious OPML fest.
And I know I can go the sites of fred and cynthia - to see if they have one enabled - but how much easier if there was a single index.
MAYBE there is even a giant merged list of ALL Migrobloggers OPMLS - now THAT would be a 'river' - right?
// paging @AndySylvester - have you looked at any of this?