@manton 🎉 Awesome! I love the integration mindset of blog first; it just makes sense.
Also, that's the second time in the space of a week you made my life a lot easier. 🍻
@manton ... although, I can't see the tab in the sidebar. Is there a gradual roll-out or should it be live now?
@manton This is amazing. I’m not sure it works for me — because I’ve been using different domains for Micro.blog and (for now) Substack. But I’ll certainly take a closer look. And thanks for the work you’ve put into it.
@manton This is so cool! Glad to see Micro.blog entering the fray here. The micro-post batching is pretty cool too. Congrats on the release!
@manton Instant plan upgrade to Premium! Can't wait to try it out and write a quick review post about it!
@manton This looks great! For the weekly option, is the definition of long post also those with a title (not just over 280 characters)?
@manton Can subscribers unsubscribe themselves easily? I may have missed this in your video.
@Cheri Yep, on the 1st. If there’s interest we may make that configurable later. I’ve started documenting some other details in this help page and I’ll update it with anything I’ve missed based on questions.
@manton Instant upgrade for me.
First enhancement request:
Make those 3 options checkboxes instead of radio buttons. That way they can get long posts, weekly roundup of X, and monthly roundup of Y.
@toddgrotenhuis Thank you! We could make this more flexible in the future. Wanted to start with something that solved a lot of common scenarios in (hopefully) a clear way.
@timapple The preview works the same for the weekly and monthly option except it only creates it 30 minutes before it's ready to send. Micro.blog will send you a preview email automatically with a link to edit it then.
@timapple 9am in your local time zone. I thought about that too and didn't want it going out in the middle of the night wherever you are. Might make it a setting later.
@manton Awesome news! Great idea!
I would love to have the option to send category based newsletters out weekly.
So as an example I could have a newsletter with all the Tesla or EV news in the last week.
@manton Thanks Manton. This is such a good news! 🎉 An instant upgrade for me! New Year 2022 for Micro.blog is going to be epic!
@frostedechoes @timapple @manton I would prefer a weekly newsletter option too! Brilliant way to supercharge Micro.blog 🙌
@manton Throw me in with @frostedechoes and @timapple for wanting a weekly category-based option. (No pressure, I know you’ll want time to shake things out.)
@Manton a minor add (for consideration) to the weekly option would be to allow a field to designate every week, every 2 weeks, and every 3 weeks. Thank you!
@manton Excellent! 😃
When you enable email newsletters, Micro.blog also adds a special email address that will be the “from” address for any emails sent for your blog. Your subscribers can reply to your email and Micro.blog will forward the text to you, without having to make your real email address public.
@manton Wow, this is brilliant. An instant subscribe for me. Plus it is so close to what I wanted from such a feature. I can finally move all my posting to Micro.blog 👍🏽👏🏽
Also, as others have said @Cheri, @frostedechoes and @timapple have requested, I would love to have a category-based option for weekly (for that matter, for long posts too). This will help keep newsletter posts separate by category :-)
@manton Is there a way to bring over existing subscribers from another newsletter short of subscribing them one-by-one?
@kimberlyhirsh @amit Nope, not yet. We will add an import but I wanted to have a little more experience with real-world use first.
@manton If we delete the scheduled email from Newsletter (but not the post), does it cancel only the email delivery? So even if it meets the criteria, it will not be emailed.
@amit Right, it cancels the email but leaves the blog post alone, and Micro.blog won’t try to include that post in future emails.
@manton - nicely done, Thankyou.
Seconding @frostedechoes request to better manage appearance of blockquote.
Extending that thought … full control over style of email.
@manton Great. That means there exists a way, although manual for now, to publish the posts with title, yet not email them to subscribers. Thank you! 👍🏽
@manton I think that being able to select the mailing time will be important to some people (such as myself) who cannot deal with micro.blog during working hours. fwiw
i see on a computer versus a phone - the blockquote distinction is a lot more obvious.
@manton @help Currently, I host two blogs on Micro.blog - one for my short posts and the other for my photos. To use the newsletter subscription photo, do I have to upgrade both to Premium? Currently, I'm more interested in the weekly option for my photos but was thinking if I activate it for my short posts too, I may use it differently than how I do now. But I don't want to double my subscription fees for now.
@pratik Currently it is per-blog. I know this can be kind of confusing so we may reconsider how it works later.
@help I understand. Can I switch to a monthly subcription? Both of mine currently are annual. Just wanted to see if it works for me.
@JohnPhilpin @frostedechoes Looks like this varies between clients too... I'm going to add more of an inset by default and also make the CSS customizable.
@manton @JohnPhilpin @frostedechoes It does vary between clients. To the point I was confused by the observations, since it looks fine on my primary client.
@pratik Sure, I've switched you to monthly. If you notice any problems, send me an email and I'll update your subscription. Thanks!