The secret lives of porn addicts: ‘I am meticulous about covering my tracks’ #Lifeandstyle #Pornography #Technology #Society #Sex

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@numericcitizen Yes, I'm pretty much siding with this, and it seems similar for each and every technology established within, say, the last two decades: We didn't have enough time so far to comprehend most of the implications of using these tools, the pitfalls and threats, the side-effects and issues they bring up. Stumbled across this some weeks ago - - and it adds to that pile of things that seem not that well addressed at all. How, in the midst of an ecological crisis, can we justify spending an immense amount of energy spent on machines to flood the 'net with, in example, generated stock images that don't serve any purpose other than illustrating some otherwise dull article? Seems we do have quite some work to do here, also in understanding what to (not) use these tools for. @manton

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