@bryan I would love to talk to you more about this. I am from Chicago originally, but it felt otherworldly to be in Seattle on my recent trip as well. It was our first time, not sure if it will be only/last, depending on how things go there.
@bryan That is just too sad. I saw the photo of the concert, and was filled with joy. The happy face made me smile. I never considered this part of the days, as it’s so alien to me. Sorry you had to come away from such a good moment with thoughts like this.
@xxxx I'm originally from Michigan, so this is a very different type of environment that I was used to. I've been out here almost 9 years though, so it's not new, it's just worse.
@maique Thanks. It ended up being fine mostly, but it doesn't make me want to put him in those situations again. It's unfortunate that this is the current state of affairs in the northwest U.S.
@riversidebryan Thank you for the kind words. On the balance, it was a great experience, but one that will shape how I choose to travel in the future.