@kottkrig That’s looking so good! Congrats on your progress. Are notifications in your scope?
@jarrod thank you for your encouragement. Notifications are definitely in scope. In fact – I've recently reached out to @manton in order for Micro.blog servers to be Mikro-aware and pipe first-party notifications to Mikro.
I believe I've done most of the plumbing for the notifications to work but it remains to be seen. 😄
@jarrod Fixed. There was an invisible character before my username that was tripping up the auto-linking. 🤔
@kottkrig This is great! Let me know if you ever have questions on the MB API front also — more than happy to help where I can ✌️❤️ Also, just one suggestion, you might have to be careful with the sign up link when going through App Store review, they might not like that.
@pratik thank you! I'm very happy with the horizontal layout of photos so I'm glad that others like it too.
@vincent thank you! That means a lot!
I wrote the copy for the SignInView just moments before doing the screen recording so I will most certainly keep that in mind when (or "if") it will ever reach App Store status. 😊
@kottkrig Oh. my. god. I want this! Add me to the beta! I'll pay for this when it ships!
@kottkrig Really nice. And very honored to be showcased for the image viewer and translation demo (even if the translation is indeed perfectible) 😉
@pratik I’m in for that, too 😁
@kottkrig även om jag skulle vilja se detta så fort som möjligt ... så ta hand om ungarna först, de är mycket viktigare