Today has been a podcasting marathon. Recorded two, edited one, and getting ready to edit another. I do love this medium, but it’s easy to underestimate how much time the production will take.
Today has been a podcasting marathon. Recorded two, edited one, and getting ready to edit another. I do love this medium, but it’s easy to underestimate how much time the production will take.
@macgenie This is one major reason we are trying 30 minute Cast Irony episodes. Editing, fixing audio issues, etc, is very time consuming.
@macgenie Yaaa. It can be a lot. I just recorded a show and an After Show, then edited and scheduled the After Show on Patreon and got a third of the way through editing the show... and then I stopped because I’m tired haha.
What do you use to edit?
@timothybuck I use Garage Band. I am probably ready to graduate to Logic or something more full-featured, but I'm not convinced it's worth it, money- or time-wise. I use Fission for last minute edits and proof-listening, and Auphonic to do the magic filtering/leveling.
@macgenie @timothybuck On iOS, I hear Ferrite is excellent. Unless you have to record skype, I guess.
@mistercharlie For double ended recording I have a Zoom H4N Pro and a headphone cable (3.5mm to 1/4 inch?), and my mic plugs into my iPad via USB, and the Zoom via XLR. Then with the help of one of those wireless drive thingys that can read SD cards I can get the files into Ferrite on my iPad!
@rosemaryorchard I’m quite interested in those “wireless drive thingies,” if you have a recommendation.