There is an incredible and admirable amount of passion about the written word, as opposed to the typed word.
Thanks for all the comments folks.
There is an incredible and admirable amount of passion about the written word, as opposed to the typed word.
Thanks for all the comments folks.
@colinwalker Chiming in a bit late here but I find if I write a list of things I need to remember on paper I don’t usually have to refer to it again. Digital lists are different. They don’t lodge in my brain as easily. Writing things down makes a stronger connection in my experience.
@stefp Absolutely. Writing things down is excellent for the memory which is why it's always good to summarise things when revising for exams.
@colinwalker My exam days are well over but I always enjoyed paper mind maps. The trend for digital mind-mapping has always struck me as going against the original ideas laid down in the Tony Buzan book. They don’t work the same.