
@manton I'm working out in my head how all this works so I can emulate what I've been trying to do on my WordPress instance for a possible migration of it all over here, and hoping I can ask a few questions if you have time:

  • Comments don't come over with the migration do they?
  • how about shortlinks in addition to permalinks?
  • with particular regard to having bluesky posts show up but that's probably something I need to wait for w/r/t the post you made earlier about PDS support coming weeks/months from now yes?
    • No way I can do this myself code-wise in the template or anything right?
  • Not so familiar with Hugo, but can most plugins/templates work within a hosted environment?
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@starrwulfe Cool! Comments aren't imported. Maybe move them to an external comment system like Disqus? Shortlinks won't work either, although it will redirect the full WordPress URLs to the new URLs. This is something we may be able to add. For Hugo, most themes will work, but they very often need updating to support microblog posts. This old video I made explains it.

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@manton nearly all my comments are via webmention (&!) or mastodon at this point; so as long as the post links line up, I can at the very least run another webmention job and pull them in maybe? Currently the ActivityPub stuff is handled by the ActivityPub plugin by @pfefferle. I have zero clues how that all works vis-a-vis migrating to, other than what you've put together with a Mastodon migration setup to bring followers and and throwing a redirection up; I'd be changing DNS over but I'd still be @starrwulfe once that happens so theoretically things should line up with webfinger and most links... except shortlinks maybe...

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@starrwulfe For ActivityPub, one thing I’m not sure about is whether it will just work or if any Mastodon servers will be confused because the internal inbox and public key will change. We should test this before you flip the switch.

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@manton Sure, just let me know how to do it and let's put something together. I've done something like this already when switching from GoBlog to the ActivityPub plugin within Wordpress; there wasn't much of a hiccup I could note, but I also had about 6 followers at the time. I have no idea how many I have right now because the ActivityPub plug in doesn't really keep stats. I boost my posts and talk from both this microblog account and my other mastodon accounts anyway so it's not a deal-breaker.

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