
Sigh. My self-hosted SimpleID OpenID authentificator broke (Server Error 500). Installing anew also didn’t work. What are the best ways to have your personal Domain authenticate with OpenID these days?

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I was just thinking about this a few days ago after running into "Log in with Google/Twitter/Apple/Everything else here" on some website where I can’t even just use simple username/password. (I don’t like using my email address as a username because whenever that information leaks onto the ‘net, it’s an identifier that instantly tracks back to you unless you’re making dummy accounts… but you need the email address to get the account verification mail from the site… A real mobius strip of headaches to me.)

Of course, in a perfect world, everyone would instantly be using passcodes and be done with username/passwords all together (is there a way to self host this?🤔) but since that’ll be years from now, I’m thinking about just slapping the OAuth connect plugin on this here WordPress-powered monstrosity this post eminated from and seeing what happens…

My burning question is what do you use use your implimentation to authenticate to (when it works of course!)– can I supplant the “tech trifectorate’s” log-in with _______ modals and use this?

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@starrwulfe I did use SimpleID simpleid.org I route through IndieAuth for now until I can get something self-hosted to work again.

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@yatil I think I'll try that out-- save the extra bloat for something else that catches my fancy!

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