After yesterday’s continual app rebuilds - the last one is still going … 14 hours later … and the (50+) categories are barely registering. I hope I didn’t break MicroBlog!

After yesterday’s continual app rebuilds - the last one is still going … 14 hours later … and the (50+) categories are barely registering. I hope I didn’t break MicroBlog!
Three more days elapse - and still the rebuild continues. I think there is something wrong. I wouldn't mind - except as it rebuilds and rebuilds again ... and again ... the post count is at time a fraction of what is there - so I lose history until the rebuild finishes ... and then it starts again. // @manton
@JohnPhilpin Has it settled down now? I checked your site and doesn't appear it's set to rebuild anymore.
@JohnPhilpin I'm not sure what is going on yet, but just to be clear those "Feed" messages in the logs are not about a rebuild. That is normal behavior as is downloading your feeds, which it does all the time.
@JohnPhilpin 10 minutes later and it says "7839 posts and replies indexed."
Did you load the search page shortly after replying to Andy?
@SimonWoods no - before .. that said the count is a very movable feast and i have noticed it does move at speed .. time to take a different tack … @sod .. i am seeing these changes happen on the search page .. could it be the plugin recalibrating?
@SimonWoods … Thankyou … you gave me an idea … I just screen grabbed the page just now … which seems to be normal and then posting this reply. I will keep editing this reply with actions and screen grabs throughout the day as I see changes on the page.
Update 1, 8.00am (ISH) ... Just posted two replies and one new post. The only change on the search page is the (correct) increase (by three) of the ’post and reply’ count.
Update 2, 8:18am ... Just posted one new post - search gave me 30 as the count. I refreshed the page and it was back up to the correct number.
@JohnPhilpin I guess anything's possible, but the Search Space index should just mirror the rest of your blog. In other words, if my plug-in says 30 posts and replies indexed, you should be able to count 30 posts and replies if you visit the archive and replies page.
So, if Search Space shows a number that feels off to you, something is probably up with the build process. Might be a good time to force a rebuild and see if that solves the problem.
@sod @JohnPhilpin @manton It's difficult to see that there's anything wrong here, per se, rather that your site is being rebuilt as per normal and you happen to see the wrong number during that process.
Manton previously wrote an explanation of how handles publishing and updates and whatnot. If you look at the eighth paragraph onwards you can get an idea of how rebuilds priorities the newest posts before anything else, including pages such as Archive and Categories.
@SimonWoods hmmm - maybe you are right, but it is odd that I only just noticed - because I use the @sod search a lot to find old posts and never hit this issue.
It has become increasingly problematic this past week - after the rebuilds I did after attempts to fix a JSON error.
That was when I spotted the changing count. Never had that before. (At least that I noticed.)
To be clear - I haven't hit 'rebuild' for nearly a week now ... I get that @manton guide re updating the recent posts first - but this up and down count is ( I think ) very odd.